YES! BY DR. NIMROD The simple rule is; the greater the global challenge is, the…
BY DR. NIMROD Happy or sad, we use Food to express, with no words, our emotions,…
by dr. NIMROD “This ‘telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously…
by dr. Nimrod It is 1994; I am a fruit grower, spraying a lot and dreaming of an…
by dr. Nimrod BORN WITH A “SILVER SPOON” My parents worked hard all their lives to…
By Dr. Nimrod “Innovation is the only path for the leapfrogs we need for our…
BY DR. NIMROD “Change will prevail, hunt and conquer even those who fear it.”…
BY DR. NIMROD Breakout news note: You can learn about the purpose of my trip to…
Breakout news note: You can learn about the purpose of my trip to Australia from…
BY DR. NIMROD There is no “Silver Bullet” to solve the problems of hunger and poverty…